Wednesday, April 23, 2008

About me?

To start off, I'm not going to give you my real name. No, I don't think you are going to stalk me or something. I just really don't want anyone knowing it's me. "Why?", you make ask. Well, I'm going to put things on here that probably not a lot of people know. Like deep feelings. Sounds lame, I know. But that's how I feel. And I also know that it is very rare chance that any of my friends/family/subscribes will find this, but I think it's kind of cool that you don't know what my real name is. I haven't come up with a fake name yet, so right now, I shall be known as WTB, okay? Haha. I'm oh, so lame.
So, on with those "Deep Feelings" I was talking about. I'm not going to tell you all of them in this one blog post because then I would be typing on my laptop for ages. But I am going to tell you about school. Let me get this cleared up. When I lived in New York( from the age of 0-7), I was having trouble in school. I would refuse to learn my colors, and numbers in Pre-School. I even remember when I was in the First Grade, for the first time, copying down states off the chalkboard and being the last ones doing it. I didn't finish. I just stopped and started to play with the kids that were done. I was having trouble, but they told my mom not to worry about it and let me past First Grade.
When I moved down to Florida, all my mom friends were telling her how bad the school are. Not very far at all in to the Second Grade and I was having trouble. I would all was do my B and D backwards. I remember in Pre-School I would do my big Ds the way little Ds go because that made sense to me.
Wow, okay I really would love to finish this post, but I'm really tired. Really.

Okay, bye now.

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